Institute of Development Sciences

World Food Programme (WFP)
The Institute of Development Sciences of the National University of Science and Technology (IDS-NUST) Zimbabwe entered into a partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme (UN WFP) Zimbabwe in January 2019 to roll out the Three-Pronged Approach (3PA), and to actively engage in its implementation through capacitating government and other partners on its importance in partnered development to reduce vulnerability in rural and urban communities. The Three-Pronged Approach (3PA) is an innovative programme tool that strengthens the design, planning and implementation of resilience-building efforts. It leverages three critical processes: the Integrated Context Analysis (ICA) at national level, Seasonal Livelihood Planning (SLP) at sub-national levels and Community-Based Participatory Planning (CBPP) at local level. This partnership is envisaged to further foster joint resilience programming, top-down and bottom-up consultative processes with a view of enhancing the skills base of rural and urban communities, local authorities, and partners engaging in integrated programming sustainably. Through the partnerships, IDS-NUST and WFP conduct the 3PA in rural and urban contexts to generate the information required by decision makers to inform integrated programming tailored to contexts, and synthesis and research of 3PA information to inform national policies and strategies for Social Protection, Resilience, and Disaster Risk Reduction. Another MoU was entered into in 2024 for another three years.

Livestock Production Systems Zimbabwe (LIPS)
The Livestock Production Systems-Zimbabwe (LIPS-ZIM project) has signed an MOU with National University of Science and Technology. The NUST staff were involved from its inception, baseline survey and production of the project framework. In recognition of the funding from the EU for the Livestock Production Systems- Zimbabwe (LIPS-Zim) Project, The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) on behalf of LIPS-Zim Project Consortium which includes, CIMMYT, UZ-Veterinary Faculty and CIRAD is currently working a consortium of Universities in which NUST is part of the consortium. NUST is focussing on the governance domain especially the application of Village and Ward Assemblies within the framework of the Rural District Act and the Traditional Leaders Act. The National University of Science & Technology (NUST) members are working with communities, Sector Ministries, RDC, DDC, Agritex, Veterinary Services, on the research for inclusive approaches component of the project. The NUST members participate in data gathering related to community level structures as part of the project objectives. Training on Bottom Up governance structures for the LIP ZIM is the Key Pillar in the MOU. NUST is involved with The LIPS Zim project in Gwanda RDC, Buhera RDC, Mutoko RDC, Chiredzi RDC, Beit Bridge and Nkayi RDC.
Marketing and Consumer Sciences Department

Pad A Patient drive at Ingutsheni Hospital
The Department of Marketing as a way of expressing love partnered with Rotary Club of Belmont to solicit pads for Ingutsheni Hospital Female Patients. Amongst the esteemed donors of the pads were Bonvie Medical Aid, CBZ, Roscello Investments and Awaiting Ministries. The Ingutsheni Hospital Female Patients were showered with love as 4500 packets of pads were donated and handed over at Ingutsheni Hospital on the 15th of December 2023.

Public lectures
Amongst the community Services Activities carried out by the Department of Marketing were Public Lectures. The Public Lectures were conducted in Partnership with Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association (BVTA) and City Pentecostal Assembly. The topics were carefully crafted to match the needs of the vendors in such a manner that attending the Public Lectures would empower the Vendors and Traders to improve their operations thus increasing profitability.